Friday, October 15, 2021

The Future of The Internet...

The Internet was designed as a communication network capable of withstanding even a nuclear hit. To-date this has not been put to the test, however, the USA would use nuclear force to protect the Internet. The importance of the Internet can't be overstated, for its existence is inextricably linked to the future of the global hegemon. The Internet isn't just a communication network of networks used for information exchange. Today it is used predominantly as a social technology for political indoctrination, entrapment of dissident thinkers and for shaping of human's behaviour.

So, will the future of the Internet and by implication of the global society be bright or gloomy?

The Internet has never been a particularly effective medium for connecting people to people. The Internet is a very effective in connecting people to PCs initially and now to IoT by allowing people to act out fake personas. Internet is where people are actors in the digital village of fools. It is here where people can act out roles and desires they'd never dare to act out just a couple of decades ago. Today, the Internet has cut through any inhibitions humans may have had; thus unleashed into the world people's vilest and most grotesque desires. It has created social meeting pods where any one's desires and idiocies would find likeminded partners.

In the meantime and for the foreseeable future the trend of manipulating minds throrough IoTs - and they are everwhere - will continue.

To be continued … or not?

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